Self-standing, good light transmission and intimacy
U-GLAS incorporates a simple idea consisting of a self-standing glazing system framed by an aluminum structure which meets the highest technical and architectural requirements.
The glass channel is a cast glass formed through computer-controlled furnaces, consistently producing glass of the highest quality and to accurate dimensions. The U-shaped configuration
of the glass produces a high structural strength within the channel, allowing it to be installed at high level or in large unit lengths without the need for additional horizontal or vertical support.
SGG U-GLAS is frequently used in outside vertical closure systems, single or double, flat or curved, in rooms that need a large amount of light: hotels, office buildings, shopping centres, health centres, between floors, stairways, dryer, galleries to courtyards or gardens,
garages, ships and industrial equipment.
In an effort to create a timeless character for the building design of an office, SGG U-GLAS provides architects and designers innovative solutions.
Facades/partitioned areas in sports centres:
requirements related to size, openness, and selfsustainable structure necessary when building sports
halls may be satisfied by SGG U-GLAS in most cases.
The resistance to shocks caused by ball impact is a
very important point in such locations.
Interior partitions:
natural light transmission, creation of intimacy, possibility of creating straight and curved shapes and the particular texture of
SGG U-GLAS, allows genuine solutions for indoor areas,
adapting the area to the needs of people using it.
in case of non-vertical closures types, a specific technical study may be required. They may be installed in single or double-sided version.